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so it's early on a thursday morning. i sit here at butler library on campus looking out the frosty window at symbols of academia, grand halls, large steps, stautes, you know, everything you love when you walk on the columbia campus at eight in the morning. not so surprisingly, the library is already starting to fill up this last week of the semester heading into finals... and i sit here with my free daily medium hot chocolate and donut from dunkin donuts, thinking.

it's the eve of my two last finals on my first semester here in dental school. and i cannot wait for this to all be a memory instead the current place it sits in my mind. more importantly, it is the eve of the long awaited MTA strike. so at 12:01 tonight, if a contract has not been drawn, there will be no subway, bus, ferry workers running the show tomorrow. yes, strategically placed right before the christmas/holiday/whatever else anybody wants to call it season, putting huge strain on the massive commerial activity asssociated therein. the city sits to lose 1.6 billion dollars everyday the strike continues. so hopefully i won't last too long if it does get up and running. c'mon, i have some money spending to do. luckily, i have my trusted yellow steed, so i should be alright getting to school to write off this semester tomorrow morning.

nonetheless, i got a taste of the enormous residual dependency developed into society yesterday morning as i went to school. for whatever reason, still unbeknownst to me, the 1 train subway trains were super crowded in the morning. so tight, that i didn't even have to hold on to any poles because there was nowhere for me to budge. elevator to street level, same story. so packed. realizing that this is days before the forecasted MTA strike, i was struck with the distinct connectedness we share as humanity. long past are the days where we can take our little brother lenny, get a piece of property and live off the fat of the land, you know, with bunnies and stuff. here in manhattan the connectedness bears an even heavier tone.

so stay connected. it's the definitive mark of modernism.


Blogger nikki said...

Well said. This looming strike offers us urbanites an opportunity to get up close and personal with our fellow men as we all strive to find ways to get around the city. Hopefully, we will all be filled with Christmas charity rather than greed. I will let you know what the societal climate is like at around 9:30 am after rush hour and if I actually make it to work.

15/12/05 11:57 AM

Blogger Stephen said...

lenny? urbanite? who are we? peter, do you have a thing for both mice and men?

16/12/05 11:05 AM

Blogger paul said...

Peter, move to wyoming and live off the land with a bunny.

16/12/05 12:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter.... while connectedness may seemingly be the definitive mark of modernism (due to technology the world is shrinking into one enormous online global community), instead the experience of alienation is a more common theme of modernity (starting in the late 1800's Paris where impressionists and poets like Baudelaire focused on the modern experience as one of isolation and melancholy... through to Fredric Jameson's theories of disorientation and alienation in the contemporary world.)

16/12/05 4:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

peter- i'm so glad you've kept us all so connected through the "shake down"...even korea can be involved.


and congrats on finishing your first semester of dental school finals!

17/12/05 8:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter, this is one of your more lucid observations. I do find, however, that I can be among many people, including a crowded meeting, and still be very much alone. Can one individual ever truly understand another for that meaningful connection?

17/12/05 10:54 AM

Blogger petey said...

l A ur a, dad-

points both well stated. isolation and alienation are fundamental components of the modernity. technology is the antithesis of humanity. thus while we become more reliant on systematics, it is ever more critical that we utilize that particular foe to stay connected and intertwined, employing its means to further our own humanistic modernity, the purest reality: being connected to those that surround us.

17/12/05 11:25 AM

Blogger Stephen said...

you all need to watch i heart huckabees.

18/12/05 6:39 PM

Blogger nikki said...

While I agree that using modern technology is a method for facilitating the connectedness of mankind, it promotes isolation and breeds laziness in committing to personal relationships. Email and text messages are effortless forms of communication that require little or no personal interaction thus leading us to the endless void of isolation and self-absorption.

19/12/05 8:59 AM

Blogger Stephen said...

nikki: is that why you always choose to text message me instead of call me?

19/12/05 5:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI::: the word is "connectivity"

31/12/05 2:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI::: the word is "connectivity"

31/12/05 2:28 AM


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