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so this week marks the offical beginning of the holiday season. happy holiday. and happy holidays. happy thanksgving. do you think the pilgrims had any idea how happy the market economy would be about the sales profit associated with the holiday they began. i bet they're thankful that they could be of service. hear's to you old-school pilgrims. good job.

so thanksgiving's always a good time. hopefully some time with your family somewhere along the way. time off from school and work. and for those in school its the mark of the beginning of the end. the time between thanksgving break and winter break (christmas break for you traditionalists...) always flies by. why? because every drop of information you have absorbed over the last 3-4 months has to be drained, strained, flitered, and spit out all over your professors. and that testing experience is about that pleasant. before before the mayhem begins. i'm off to boston. i've only been to boston once before, so i'm looking forward to the adventures in boston. i think we might even be visiting plymouth rock. how thanksgiving of us? i know. good americans.

it's been fun this week cause jill and steven brought the triplets to stay with me at my apartment in the heights. and yes they all fit. three cribs one room. i'm just glad it wasn't my room. wait, no it was. all of us crammed in, minus me. i got the couch. jill, steven and me on my double bed was too much family bonding. we got to spend a couple days cruisin around nyc. steven's first time in the city. jane first time on a boat. kate's first time on the subway. zach's first time clomping around on hardwood echo-y floors. peter's first tri-cry diaper changing experience. jill. what can i say? she's already done it all. maybe the first time she's had spinning toilet-paper on her head with strobe lights... but's that's only a guess. you'll have to ask her for the details.

so happy thanksgiving y'all. happy firsts to this holiday season.


Blogger nikki said...

poctuxI'm not sure the modern idea of Thanksgiving is really what the pilgrims had in mind, but bring on the stuffing...So, I'm thankful for Peter, for blogs and being able to say whatever you want whenever you want, for friends, being able to go to Prague, family, life and laughter... how's that for a little holiday cheer.

22/11/05 3:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice talking to ya stranger. have fun causing trouble in boston. gobble, gobble.

22/11/05 5:05 PM

Blogger Stephen said...

first: i would like to do away with all references to turkey. i am now a vegetarian and you people are all barbarians. i hope your chinatown bus crashes on the way to boston.

all my love,

tiny teven

22/11/05 11:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


be honest, did you really change diapers? if it was diaper(s) and not diaper, you are ahead of me, as I have changed only one.

good job.

23/11/05 1:32 AM

Blogger petey said...

diapers. plural. yes. i said it was a tri-cry experience. (truth be told, kate was just watching, only zach and jane were wailing, so i guess it was a bi-cry.)

23/11/05 10:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"WINTER BREAK" Give me a break!! I hope the liberal media establishment of the east coast is not going to fundamentally change my youngest son. Do not forget Christmas, what it means, its history, tradition and symbolism. This PC revisionist mania about never referring to Christians, religion or the religious basis of our western society is incomprehensible to me.

23/11/05 1:06 PM

Blogger nikki said...

Well said Mr. Frandsen, and I second that...

23/11/05 2:13 PM

Blogger Stephen said...

my hands were full of groceries and instead of opening the door i knocked. petey came to the door and cries reverberated through the hallway. i came in to see two babies walking around the room and petey changing another. so it's true: i saw him changing one of the babies. and that's all i have to say.

23/11/05 4:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is to Aimee. Are you in Washington in grad school? How is it going. Shauna and I miss our updates re: AARP. I am still wearing my T-shirt and I even wore it the Home Depot. I ran into some people who knew me and they had a good laugh.

23/11/05 5:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron & Shauna, I am in Utah still! I decided to defer grad school for one year for lots of different reasons and I am really glad I did. It was the right choice. Hopefully, when peter comes home for christmas I can come over and see you guys and catch you up on all the AARP happenings. I should get a picture of you in the shirt and you can become Utah's new poster child (or poster old man, I should say!) for AARP! I hope you have a wonderful, grateful Thanksgiving!

23/11/05 6:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three babies in the city! Those are the most travelin' babes I know. Where did they get their wanderlust? Must be Grandma Frandsen.

Peter: Tri cry and tri di experience. That is good practice for the future.

23/11/05 11:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aimee ~ Why can't I bring myself to wear the AARP shirt? I still think I'm 49. Dream on.
I do use my AARP pencil though...and I'm proud to write with it.

23/11/05 11:05 PM

Blogger petey said...

aimee, parents if you want me to post either other's contact information, that can be arranged. but let us not forget, who this blog is all about.

and dad and nikki, was this country founded on religious freedom? isn't that why the pilgrims left to get away from a state church??

24/11/05 12:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter, we need at talk about ego and self-centeredness

24/11/05 11:51 AM

Blogger petey said...


you can talk about those things all you want on your own blog. besides, i am my father's son. ;)

25/11/05 9:33 AM


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