for those that know me, you may have already heard this exposition. in fact, if you've ever talked to me you have probably experienced it as well. for example, if you have had "A" conversation with me in the last month, you have most likely been subject to an honorary tribute to the white stripes. and yes, i know they were the subject on a posting awhile ago as well. or maybe you heard me talk about lazy sunday, or the new beck album, or how solid each weezer album continues to be, or how i hate walmart, or whatever. but let me discuss this inverted world.
one thing that people will never surrender is their taste. and this has nothing to do with CN VII. so, people love their music. people love to share their music. and we all do it. we constantly recommend this or that. i am guily in a bad way, in fact, nothing makes me happier than when someone tells me how much they have been listening to death cab lately (3 people this week alone) and they can't get enough or whatever. there is as much joy in the recommendation as there is in its receipt. taste sets us apart, as it breeds individuality. without individual preferences we would be a stale society steeped in stagnance. musical taste is no different. nor are movies, tv shows, books, museums nor even boy/girl friends. in fact, i think that this may be one of the reasons it can be so difficult for single people to be completely satisfied in a relationship. there exists an element within us that wants our partner to be the living realization of our tastes. when considering this living emulation, whether is be as shallow as the jokes they tell or deeper as in the way they perceive people, you want that person to epitomize all that you deem as "good taste." otherwise, what do you have to set you apart if not your taste?
and for me, that means the white stripes, AD, BMX bikes, hating walmart, the daily show and mac elitists. and i will forever try to sell you on my music, even if you don't like it at first. and yet therein lies the great irony. i seek to force my tastes on everyone, while concomitantly claiming that our tastes delimit our individuality. mutually exclusive? maybe, maybe not.
in the present tense, be sure to check out "oh, inverted world," my latest shins album discovery and my latest profile picture. and i will continue to post album covers on my profile of whom i am currently tuned in to.