maiden voyage
well it happened this weekend. stevey and i have been talking about having a gathering at our place for some time now. and while we have had fhe, birfday get-togethers, and other casual functions, we had not hosted any big parties. so friday night we were in soho getting some pizza at pomodoro's figuring out what we were going to do with the rest of the weekend. and although we were tempted to join the chinese new year festivities in chinatown, we decided to host our own celebrations.
i, luckily, spent most of the day at the library, while stevey and ryan ran down to chinatown to get some goods. to my adulation, they returned not only with the desired gyoza, but they brought back many other gems, like bruce lee banner and all sorts of cool chairman mao perephernalia. so after some cleaning and decorating, we were ready for our maiden voyage.
all in all it was fun. some of my dental school friends showed up, we had some regulars, some new blood, and some entertainers. i normally don't condone long posts with excessive pictures, but today i will make an exception for the sake of the stevey's photos.
look at these two cute couples: you guess who is with whom?
enter the dragon
stevey snapped shots of everyone showing up
some columbia friends: yasemin and jen, with yours truly in the faded back care-taking the gyoza