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postal service

so i'm not talking about the absolute best band of the last five years. i'm talking about the u.s. postal service. so yesterday i getting my daily dose of the colbert report (comedycentral.com), and some pbs guy was bragging about the documentary he was making about the civil war and all the letters he read as his source of information. which made me think, when was the last time you mailed a letter you wrote to "correspond" with an aquaintance? take for example, my uncle tracy. he sends me a letter each week detailing the events of his family. a special letter from canyon view medical center, addressed to peter u. frandsen, (i haven't had the heart to correct him over the last 4 1/2 years, that my middle name is shigeki, not ushio). but it's become such a treasured ritual. i make some food, sit down, open the letter and laugh to myself as i hear his distinct, semi-poetic, narrative voice come off the page. seriously, excluding email, im-ing, text, commenting on blogs, how many times have i really written to someone in my life? (that weren't in some way related to missionaries) but what would we do without all our technology. freak, you wouldn't even be reading this not-so-new lament of the things of yester-year. oh the lamentations...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

time to join the new school, petey. even i now read my own fathers' letters in email form. the enjoyment once taken in ripping open an envelope is now replaced with logging in and clicking the inbox. and if my pops is reading this, then he will also know that email is the enjoyable medium snail mail once was. but seriously, reading your blog presents a dilemma: do i respond to your unimportant blogs, or do i post ideas that will influence your life-decisions and personal philosophy? i could 1) respond in metaphysical ways to your lamentations of yesteryear; 2) stop reading your blog; or 3) make myself sound intelligent by using big words and writing a lot. i think i will follow the tradition of our fathers and select #3. what do you think?


ps, the letters i had to type in were pyxxmojn.

5/11/05 1:46 PM

Blogger petey said...

stevey, you and i are both on track to becoming our fathers... does that give our sons any hope??

5/11/05 5:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny that you and i, being roomates, are the only ones conversing and we live in the same apartment. has it come to this? the only way we can talk is through electronic medium that is the world wide web? why does no one else weigh in and leave his or her thoughts?

ok, bye.


ps: the letters i typed in were jetfc

5/11/05 5:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this blog could use a little more cowbell

12/11/05 4:13 PM

Blogger petey said...

props to uncle tracy... i received a letter addressed to peter "S" frandsen today. thnx.

12/11/05 9:15 PM


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