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welcome to new york, ny

for those i haven't see since i left utah. here are a few pictures of the big city. when i first came out, mom, dad, and nick came out to help move me into my new apartment. i live in "the little DR" (dominican republic) up in washington heights (ye the same spot where old faithful washington, the original george dubya, battled off those nasty red-coats). while my family was here, we did all the nyc goodies, like times square, brooklyn bridge, subway life etc. mom and dad even took to the streets as usual by checking out their favorite museums. dad also insisted that we go to a favorite restaurant that he used to frequent in his crossland days


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should post the 'blue man' pic

3/11/05 6:24 PM

Blogger petey said...

i prolly will later with a post on the sites of nyc.

3/11/05 7:59 PM


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