this last weekend i got to go to boston. thanksgiving in new england, how quaint, how fitting. it was a lot of fun. i tagged along with my sister jill and her husband steven to his brother's home in massachusetts. we literally went, i swear, over the river and through the woods to get there. it was a sweet little home (by that i mean a big old home) tucked up next to the woods in the back yard. every vantage point was a postcard in embryo. thanksgiving. food. good food. family. big and small. and of course giving thanks in thanksgiving fashion. it was a good holiday break i.e. break from the busy-ness of my ordinary life.
so while we were in boston, we saw some sights of course. and i re-had a previous epiphany. heroes are heroes. for those of you that have seen the japanese supo-moderno thematic rendition of hero-ing in "ping-pong" you know what i'm talking about. if you haven't check this link.
peco my hero. anyway. we got heroes now too. and yes they are sometimes the men and women of the past. that's totally cool. i mean the likes of paul revere, thomas jefferson, john and herbie hancock. what i don't get, is why people wanna tell the dirt story. just to sell some print? what a waste of research. i don't care that the midnight ride of paul revere is not that accurate, or that thomas jefferson may or may not have had shady relations in his home. at the end of the day, these particular men were involved in the establishment of america and the subsequent revolutionization the entire political environment internal and external to the u.s. since their time. can we modernist even conceptualize our lifestlyes sans the documents produced by this elite group of heroes? who else has had that kind of lasting effect on humankind? so let's celebrate our heroes. stopping wasting documentary film on the backbiting and fighting behind the scenes of the beach boys or the beatles. our heroes were good enough to earn our respect. isn't it enough to allow them theirs without all the silly hillary clinton-esque re-writing of history?
to peco and smile, to jefferson and franklin, to george and samuel. we celebrate your deeds. flawed, of course. but who isn't? heroes are heroes yo.